50 Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery

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Are you ready to make a step forward in your recovery?

You've noticed how much you struggle with eating disorder negative thoughts ...

Or you feel constantly down and worthless ...

It's time to start using affirmations to help rewire your thoughts.

In this free download, you'll learn:

What are Affirmations.

Have 50 at your fingertips.

Be empowered to make your own versions to use.

About Priya

Priya Tew, Eating Disorder Specialist Dietitian


I’m Priya, the eating disorder dietitian who wants to help you heal your relationship with food. Because recovery really is worth it.

I’m an award winning, eating disorder dietitian and nutritionist. So I’m fully qualified with a degree in Nutritional Sciences and a Masters in Dietetics. Also registered with the Health Professions Council and the British Dietetic Association. Which means you can be sure you are in safe hands. However more than that, I really care and want to help you.

After working in the hospitals in the NHS, I side stepped to eating disorders and found my true passion. Helping people through recovery. I’ve run out patient clinics, worked in private hospitals with in-patients and have done a lot of meal support!

Now I work in private practice helping people 1-1 and I also run my unique 12 week Recovery Tribe Course which helps people recover in community and group coaching session. Showing you are not alone. I'd love to help you too.

I love to share helpful resources, so do keep following along and you can find me on Instagram: @priya_tew

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